How to Be a Self-Taught Web Developer
Are you a self taught web developer ? Or do you want to be a self taught web / app developer ? If any of the answers is yes, I can feel you. Just searching on google about how to learn programming didn't really help you out. In fact, they were so overwhelming that you ended up being confused. Why is that ? Because there is no one platform to learn programming. Thousands of books, articles and tutorials are being published everyday. You will find free courses, you will find paid courses and there are courses which are free but you have to pay to have the full version of it. So which course should you choose ? Before we jump into that section, first make sure you do the following:
1- Set a Goal for Yourself
Before you check the latest course, make sure to set a realistic goal. Where do you want to see yourself the next year ? Do you want to see yourself still struggling to find a course or you want to see yourself as a developer / programmer ? Make a small goal. Like 'I want to be a Front End Web Developer' and find a good course on it. It can be a book or a series of videos.
2- Practice
You cannot expect to be a good developer if you don't practice at all. After seeing a video or learning a new skill, you will need to practice. You can make projects for a fictional company. Think for a specific problem and try to solve it through your newly gained knowledge. For practice, you can also check my website High Tech Web Dev and build a website similar to that.
3- Patience
We don't feel the same everyday. Sometimes we code all day long and still can go to the gym or get out for a walk without feeling lazy. Some days we feel like sleeping all day long. For these reasons, you need patience. If you don't have patience, then it will be easier for you to give up. JUST DON'T GIVE UP. If you feel bad or don't feel like to code, then don't. Give rest to yourself that day. Start again from tomorrow.
4- Make your own personal portfolio
Having you own website is just great. Impress your potential employers or clients by showing off your skills and abilities. And, off course, don't forget to make it pretty. You can check my portfolio here.
So Which Course Should You Choose ?
In my honest opinion, I have found these paid courses good :
1- Team Treehouse Front End Web Development
2- Team Treehouse Full Stack JavaScript
3- Build Responsive Real World Websites with HTML5 and CSS3 - Jonas Schmedtmann (Udemy)
4- Advanced CSS and Sass Flexbox, Grid, Animations and More! - Jonas Schmedtmann (Udemy)
5- PHP for Beginners - Become a PHP Master - CMS Project - Edwin Diaz (Udemy)
If you want free courses, these youtube channels might help you out:
1- Traversy Media
2- The Net Ninja
For Coding Challenges you can try:
2- Codingame
Best of Luck !
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